Cultural Competency & Capability

Whether you are embarking on your journey to understand Te Ao Māori in the workplace, or looking for strategic advice to enable real and meaningful te ao Māori mana and inclusion, we cater to all

Our cultural competency services range from n-call guide, mentor, advisor and trusted ear to help and assist with cultural safety, tikanga, reo or cultural issues appropriate for engagement with Māori communities. This can include:

  • Engagement with landowners, mana whenua, whānau, iwi and hapu

  • Facilitate the design of and implement a culturally responsive iwi engagement strategy that  -

    • Identifies appropriate mana whenua locally, regionally or nationwide

    • Identifies key mana whenua contacts / leaders locally, regionally or nationwide

    • Enables liaison with mana whenua locally, regionally or nationwide

    • Enables liaison with the iwi leaders forum ( if required )

    • Ensures cultural safety during Māori community engagement 

    • Lifts confidence / knowledge of hui Māori protocols

    • Full KURA Tahi teaching and learning content

    • Scheduled weekly, one hour professional learning development ( PLD )

    • Scheduled cultural advice hui with a manutāiko ( cultural advisor ) about any  Māori / topic