• Enhance your team's cultural capability with our specialised training in te ao Māori. Our program focuses on equipping businesses and organisations with the skills and confidence to effectively engage in with te ao Māori, including greetings, pronunciation improvement, crafting pepeha, selecting appropriate karakia, delivering formal welcomes, and navigating tikanga (protocols and etiquette).

    Talk to us about cultural capability training here

  • Cultivate meaningful connections with Māori stakeholders and communities through our Cultural Advisory and Iwi Engagement services.

    We offer expert guidance on co-constructing engagement processes, fostering enduring relationships grounded in mutual respect and mana. Our tailored outcomes include the development of an iwi engagement policy, ongoing support for engagements, fostering personal and team cultural confidence, and honing hui/marae tikanga (protocol) proficiency.

    Talk to us about cultural advisory and stakeholder engagement

  • Empower your brand and audience connections through our services rooted in a strong identity and the principles of whakapapa (origins).

    We help organisations craft their unique narrative, highlighting their whakapapa and significant milestones, while capturing audience attention through storytelling. By engaging staff, teams, and clients in this narrative, we foster meaningful connections and mana.

    Talk to us about your branding and communications project

  • Equip management teams and governing bodies with effective skills to lead organisations as treaty-centric partners. We provide teams and individuals with a safe and challenging environment to develop their leadership skills and knowledge of te ao Māori mē ōna tikanga (the Māori world and its customs).

    Talk to us about cultural leadership training

  • Ahu Whakamua | Te Ao Māori in the Workplace offers a transformative three-year cultural journey tailored to your organisation.

    Beginning with a comprehensive analysis of your current cultural/Tiriti state, we develop a bespoke roadmap to embed te ao Māori into your workplace culture. Our initiatives, ideas, and strategies encompass te reo, tikanga, Tiriti, iwi engagement, team building, and unconscious bias training, ensuring a tikanga-based, holistic approach to cultural integration.

    Talk to us about Ahu Whakamua | Te Ao Māori in the Workplace