Wānanga 1
Ahu Whakamua- full workplace cultural capability implementation
This is a deep and extensive, 3 - 5 year process that goes beyond ‘ window dressing ‘ as an organisation works towards a culture that upholds and respects mana Māori.
Stages of implementation include -
A current state cultural assessment
a. Staff survey
b. Document review
c. 1- 2 day wānanga that includes - cultural practices taster, survey feedback and an ‘a Ranginui’ visioning / goalsetting exercise
2. Planning
Strategic / annual / communications planning
Guided / optional assistance with annual plan implementation
3. Professional Learning Development ( PLD )
Full face to face & online delivery of cultural confidence professional learning development
How to handle objections and sabotage to cultural implementation through Implicit bias awareness skillbuilding
4. Embedding of practices
Familiarisation of the cultural assessment tool
Staff cultural assessment / reviews ( performance appraisal ) to determine personal and organisational progress
5. On-going advice
Guidance / assistance provided as required