Wānanga 1

Ahu Whakamua- full workplace cultural capability implementation

This is a deep and extensive, 3 - 5 year process that goes beyond ‘ window dressing ‘ as an organisation works towards a culture that upholds and respects mana Māori.

Stages of implementation include -

  1. A current state cultural assessment

  1. a. Staff survey

    b. Document review

    c. 1- 2 day wānanga that includes - cultural practices taster, survey feedback and an ‘a Ranginui’ visioning / goalsetting exercise

2. Planning

  • Strategic / annual / communications planning

  • Guided / optional assistance with annual plan implementation

3. Professional Learning Development ( PLD )

  • Full face to face & online delivery of cultural confidence professional learning development

  • How to handle objections and sabotage to cultural implementation through Implicit bias awareness skillbuilding

4. Embedding of practices

  • Familiarisation of the cultural assessment tool

  • Staff cultural assessment / reviews ( performance appraisal ) to determine personal and organisational progress

5. On-going advice

  • Guidance / assistance provided as required